From A24 Studios, the upcoming dark comedy series starring Steven Yeun and Ali Wong follows two strangers whose lives converge during a road rage incident. Danny Cho (Yeun) is a failing contractor with a chip on his shoulder, while Amy Lau (Wong) is a self-made entrepreneur with a picturesque life. Throughout the 10-episode series, their feud consumes them as their lives and relationships become intertwined in more ways than one.
Unapologetic and free-spirited Inez kidnaps her 6-year-old son, Terry, from the foster care system. They set out to reclaim their sense of home, identity and stability in a rapidly changing New York City.
Yas (Vivian Oparah) and Dom (David Jonsson), two twenty-somethings both reeling from bad break-ups, connect over the course of an eventful day in South London - helping each other deal with their nightmare exes, and potentially restoring their faith in romance.