Having Skill And Preparation As An Actor

In this episode of Blk Storytellers, we speak with Ronson Hawkins, a promising actor from Houston Texas. He discusses his education, journey, training, and experiences as an actor as well as a teacher and acting coach. We ask Ronson about the acting scene in Houston and emphasize the collaborative and independent nature of the industry in his region. He highlights the opportunities for actors in Houston, particularly in commercial and independent film. Ronson discusses his involvement in voice acting and musical theater, showcasing his versatility as an actor. He breaks down some of his teaching methods and the importance of self-taping in the acting industry. Ronson also shares success stories from his students and talks about his role in the film Fight Boy. He expresses his desire to play roles in medical or crime dramas and as a superhero. Ronson also provides acting tips for self-tapes and live auditions.


From Child Refugee To Major Actor In Hollywood


A Beautiful Journey Into Acting