Passion for Writing , Acting, Teaching, and Embracing Authenticity in the Industry

Larry Powell is a "infini-hyphenate" artist who is a two-time Emmy nominated actor, writer, playwright, director, and producer. Larry believes in the power of community over celebrity and values his relationships with others in the industry. He got his start in writing and acting at a young age and has since achieved numerous accolades and awards mentioned in the interview. Larry is currently a staff writer on the Miss Pat Show which is in BET+ and emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and being in alignment with one's purpose. Larry Powell discusses the importance of theater as a form of gathering and community. He highlights the influence of theater on human behavior and the power of storytelling to reach and impact people. Powell also shares his experience auditioning for the role of Rick James and emphasizes the value of being true to oneself within auditions. We also discuss his projects, including the film quilt 'Mother's Milk' and the digital series 'The Gaze,' and his passion for teaching and giving back to the artistic community.


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