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Kyla Pratt Stars In The Film Adaptation Of Minda Harts’ Book ‘The Memo’

Kyla Pratt graces us with her presence once more in the upcoming film, ‘The Memo,’ by Valeisha Butterfield’s SEED media production company. The film is an adaptation of the highly successful 2019 book, The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table, written by award-winning and best-selling author Minda Harts. Based on Harts’ own professional experiences, this book highlights the issues that hinder women of color from securing a seat at the corporate table and offers effective strategies for overcoming these barriers and succeeding in the workplace.

In the film’s trailer, the iconic award-winning actress Kyla Pratt brings these workplace struggles to life in a striking performance as Minda working in corporate America. She is subjected to microaggressions, surveillance, and confrontation instigated by her White female coworker, Kerry (Jarren Fahey). Though Minda (Kyla Pratt) insists that she is comfortable at the workplace to her boss, her later explosive performance of overwhelm in her car is a stark reminder that women of color are often forced to carry their workplace trauma on the road.

‘The Memo’ is an important and necessary film that illuminates the invisible glass ceiling that restricts many women of color in the workplace.

Check out the trailer for this incredible film now (Above).

Dominique Young